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Good Reads Challenge!!

Good Morning Book Nerds!

How is everyone on this lovely Thursday? I can honestly say that things are going pretty well for me this afternoon, except for the fact that Cortana di not remind me to write this post. Bad Cortana. Yeah I’m trying out  some of the new features that I discovered with the new updates on my desktop. Enough about me, on to the subject of this Blog Post.

Are you a good reads user. How do you like it. I have got to say i have been using it since it first appeared, it took some getting used to but now i love it. I have gotten some great recommendations but i have also connected with some great people. oh and don’t forget the giveaways. At first i had no luck winning but then every so often i would win a book that I really wanted.

Another feature that I really love is the yearly challenge that you can set for yourself. Not only that but you can see the book challenges of your friends. Even though I try not to force myself to complete the challenge somehow i always do. This year I set my goal for 55, and i am almost halfway through it,

See I don’t just count EBooks or Physical books that I have read, but i also count the audio books. Some may say that is cheating but i don’t think so because it’s still a story it’s just being told to me instead of me reading it. and when i finish the book in my review i do state that this was an audio book so that way people know.

Now my question to all of you, If you are on Good Reads feel free to look me up, I’m Melli, in the comments let me know if you have requested me so that way I don’t ignore the request. I say this because i have had some sketchy request from people whose profile just didn’t looks kosher.

Also in the comments below Let me know if you set a reading challenge for yourself for the year and how far you have gotten. It doesn’t have to be the good reads challenge, maybe its just a personal challenge that you set for yourself, for example to read more diverse books.

Well that’s it for now, until next time remember Reading is Sexy!! ❤

project pic

Books · reading

My 2019 Reading Challenge

Good Morning My book nerds,

Ok so you know how every year different websites put of reading challenge, for example the Pop Sugar website has a reading challenge.

This is the one that I am doing this year, check it out they also have a list of book suggestions if you keep scrolling down the page. Now you may be asking why am I choosing to do a challenge this year, well thats an easy answer because I have such a large amount of books and I am trying to read as many as I can before I bring more books in to my house.. and most of the prompts I can use books that I already own.

I am not doing each and every one but I have chosen a good amount. 27 of them to be exact. And of those 27 I have completed 3. so I think thats a good start to the challenge.

I am also doing the good reads challenge which I do every year. I amount of books that I chose to try and read this year is 50. and of those 50 books I have read 23. it is definitely a great start being that we are only in the 4th month of the year. I am almost halfway done. It a good thing, it gives me wiggle room if I have an off month where I don’t read as many books, or if life gets in the way.

Ok book nerds thats it for now, Now I would like to know, Are you doing a reading challenge this year. If you are, is it a challenge you created of a challenge from an website/reading site/blog etc..

Remember Reading is Sexy!!


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Busy beginning of the year!

Good Morning Book nerds,

If you are reading this then you are probably wondering where the heck I have been. Well I guess that I should explain, there has been a lot going on with me since my last post. without going into too much detail, here are some of the things I have been doing and or dealing with.

  • everyday family stuff ( husband,kids,house,school etc)
  • working really odd hours at work
  • dealing with my Rheumatoid Arthritis. (this one sometimes makes it hard for me to actually write a post or read a book among other stuff. as it affects my hands the most)
  • Losing my job, (due to missing too many days due to my RA, *see above) and figuring out what it is my next step is.

I have been reading, mostly on my kindle Paperwhite, its a little easier on my hands. And my next post will be a little list of all the books that I have read since the First of January and which ones I gave the highest rating and which one you really should read.

Look for my next post within a few days. I have to get my list together along with some photos of the covers and descriptions.

So until Next time remember




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Happy Friday!!

Good Morning my fellow book nerds,

just wanted to drop in and see what everyone is reading,

I just finished


and it was awesome.. there are no other words, the ending left me like what!!! definitely worth the read!!

I am also listening to Mrs Jeffries Stands Corrected by Emily Brightwell on my hoopla App while I have been working on knitting and crochet projects.

All I can say about this series is I love it, and its Quirky characters. perfect book series to listen to when you are doing a craft.

I am also reading on my kindle Dracul by Dacre Stoker, which was given to me courtesy of Netgalley. I have read a previous work of his and loved it so I requested it and crossed my fingers. I read this one in the morning while waiting in the car for the doors to my son’s school to open. I get there about 10 minutes early.. and then I read it when I go pick him up and have about a 20 minute wait.. have to get  there early for parking.. plus it gives me some reading time..

Well that’s what I have been up to.. what have all my bookish friends been up to?


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Happy September!!

Good morning my book nerds!

I hope that the start of the month has been good to you. Here where I am it is rainy and miserable. but on positive note my house is now free of kids and the quiet is glorious. My youngest has started pre-k and boy has it been a struggle to get him up and going. but he’s only 3 so waking up early is not something he is used to. See pic below I’m so proud of him..


it’s a pic I too of the pic on the first day of school wall..

ok now that I shared what I have been up to, let get down to books.

My August as I said was pretty slow, but that’s because there was so many things going on. Theres all the things that us Moms have to do to get ready for back to school, and then I work outside the home, so that cuts into my reading time.

I thinking that I did pretty good for the month of August, here is a List of what I have read!

Audio Books:0


Sadie by Courtney Summers

A Lady’s Guide to Etiquette and Murder by: Dianne Freeman

Lies by: T.M Logan

see I was so busy that I didn’t get much done. not even an audio book. but September seems to be shaping up to be a better reading month.

After seeing the movie THE MEG I decided to listen to the book series to see what the difference was. I currently on book 3. I listen while I am knitting or crocheting in the evening during my downtime after everyone is in bed.

And I am reading an arc I won from that I should have read and reviewed last month.

well book nerds that’s it for now, if you want to check out my social media click the links to follow me and find out what I am currently up to. talk yo you later!




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Starting a reading challenge with my 10 yr old.

Good afternoon book nerds.

So over the weekend as I was enjoying some reading time my 10 yr old says mom can I sit with you and read. Now of course I’m gonna say yes. But there’s a back story. She had speech difficulties as a baby which in turn lead to find out she has a learning disability. Its not severe by any means it’s just that it takes her a little longer to understand and catch on to things. This cause her to have difficulties with reading and she hated anythi g to do with reading. But her school is really good about giving the help needed and she has caught up to her grade level and is starting to love reading.

So I said to her hey how about every night we sit together and see how many pages we can read in an hour. I also explained to her its not a contest. And I don’t want her to try to speed read of skim.. Its about wanting to read and understanding the story we are reading. And at the end of the hour you can tell me about what you read. She turned to me and said it’s kinda like the 15 mins reading we do for school.

I said yeah but just a little longer. She loved the idea. So for every night I’m not working evenings and on weekends we are going to spend time reading together.

My question to you my Book nerds, if you are a parent do you find fun ways for your kids to read.

And if you don’t have kids but love to read do you set challenges for yourself.

Ok now let’s get this conversation started.

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Reading slump!!

Good evening booknerd,

Well it has been pretty rainy and miserable this past weekend and so far this week. And it doesn’t help that I am in the beginning of a reading slump.

I know exactly why too!😞 I recently finished Shelter in Place by Nora Roberts and when I say that book made me feel every emotion possible I’m not exaggerating. It was really that good.

The other reason is I am reading a book based on real life people in Germany during the Nazi Reign. Its fiction based on Fact. I guess historical fiction but it’s so detailed and well written I feel like I need to focus on just that book and I guess at the moment it’s not what I’m feeling but I’m halfway threw. Its one of those books you have to think about. I think after reading Shelter in Place I just need something fluffy. But what..

Also it seems that I am reading a lot of mystery (this includes all subgenre of mystery) and maybe its causing me to be in a rut. I need to change it up a but. Usually what I do is switch to something light or another genre like romance or YA. I also think that its the weathrr.

So my question to you my lovely readers, what causes reading slumps for you and how do you break out of them.. ??

Discuss and I’ll see you in the comments.

Until next time remember reading is sexy 💜📖


Fab 5 Friday!! 5 books you should read.

Good afternoon booknerds!

In this blog post I thought that I would change it up a bit and give you 5 books that I have loved and recommend that you read. There’s going to be a little bit of everything for everyone. So I hope that you read these and enjoy.

1. Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier

This book is a classic gothic story for those who love a little creepy. This story is told by the second wife of Maxim de Winter. And her experiences of how much of a hold Rebecca really has on all she touched even in death. I sure you also have heard of at least seen the movie version of the book.

2. How to walk away by Katherine Center

The main character is in a plane crash with her boyfriend and she is seriously injured and has to find a way to move on with her life. Basically the message that I got out of it was like can knock you down but it’s up to you to decide whether you stay down or get back up stronger.

3. I believe in a thing called love By Maureen Too

If you love K-dramas then this book is for you. The main character uses a formula she created from watching K-Dramas to see if the she can find her match. Things don’t go as she thought or planned. Its a cute story. And this one got me out of a Reading slump so it gets extra points for that.

4. The Dark Witch ( cousin O’Dwyer Trilogy ) by Nora Roberts

I have never read a NR before this series but I’m definitely a fan now. This one is a ble d of romance and supernatural with a little mystery thrown in. The main character goes to Ireland to find her roots and along the way she finds who she truly is and what her Destiny holds for her.

5. The Beat of my own drum by Sheila E.

Ok so if you don’t know who Sheila E is then you have been hiding under a rock. Not only is she a great female Drummer but she really is badass. This is her story. One you have never imagined and one that will make you repect her more as a musician and as a strong Woman.

Well book Nerds that’s it for now. I hope you take my suggestions and check them out. Let me know in the comments if you will read or try to read any and let me know what types of posts you would like to see me write. And if you have any book red’s for me drop me a comment or email.


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Just a reading update for July

Good Morning Book Nerds, as you can tell from the title just wanted to give you a little update on what I have been reading and doing.

So far this month I have read 2 books. And finished one audio book.

The audio book that I listened to was the 4th book in the Mrs Jeffries series titled Mrs Jeffries on the ball

And as of right now I’m listening to the 5th book titled Mrs Jeffries on the trail.

The first book I read in the month of July was the The book shop of yesterday’s By: Amy Meyerson. I have seen this book quite a few times pop up on my goodreads and also in some emails from Book Riot. It was slow in the beginning But once I got to the halfway point it really picked up and then I just needed to know what was going to happen next. I gave it 5 stars.

The second book that I read was an ARC that was sent to me by the publisber titled Baby Teeth by Zone Stage. I didn’t give this one a rating cause I’m not quite sure how to. I liked it, it was creepy but some things to me were just plain like WTH. But no rating is a good thing not a bad thing. At the end of the day it was a good read. One of those books that you just need to read and see for yourself how you feel.

Now what I am currently reading.. Well I’m reading a book titled Accidental Saviors by Jack Saarala. The author reached out to me. On good reads and was nice enough to send me a copy. If you want to read a synopsis of the book go here. I am really liking the story and the writing. And the historical facts mixed with imagination are fun. It makes you want to look up things being mentioned to see just what the author is writing about.

The last book I am reading is an ebook copy of Shelter in Place by Nora Roberts.. As of right now I’m am a little more then 80% done and I am hoping for a happy ending.

Well my Book Nerds that’s it for now Remember Reading is Sexy

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June Reading Wrap-up

Hello BookNerds,

i know i haven’t posted but i was having some personal issues and i just didn’t have the time or energy, so for this I am sorry. I know that this post is long overdue since we are a ways into July but better late then never right.

I’m thinking that I did pretty well in the month of June in regards to reading. I read a total of 4 books and 2 audio books.

Ill Start with the Audio Books



Since I am loving Audio Books at bedtime and I am really loving this series I am listen I g to the series on Hoopla. I have noticed that I can get threw 2 of the Books in this series a month which is pretty good, I love how cute the characters are and how fun and entertaining the mysteries are. Definitely a series worth checking out.



I got this one from the library as an ebook, you would think that it would be right up my alley especially since I won a copy of the second book from bookish first. And I knew that I really did need to read the first book in the series. However as much as I wanted to live this book I thought that it was ok. With that being said will I actually read the second book. Maybe one day but I don’t think I that I will put it on the top 10 of my TBR.


Well what can I say about this one. I read the Authors debut novel, and I loved it. I recieved this one in the mail also as a Arc.

This one I got courtesy of NetGalley. I enjoyed it but didn’t realize that I should have read the series from the beginning. So I was a little confused at times when they were speaking of something from a previous book.

Well my fellow book nerds thats it for now. I am sorry that this post was late, but like I said at the beginning of the post between work and being a mom Thu vs just got in the way. But I have some good news to end this post with in have recently gotten myself a new tablet and found that the WP app is a lot better then when I had it on my iPad(new tablet not an ipad) and now I don’t have to fight over the desktop anymore or wait until everyone is in bed to use it.

Let me met you in on a little secret, I am sitting in bed writing this. Or I should say finishi

My and editing this with hubby snoring away next to me.

Well until next time remeber Reading is Sexy!!